The development of efficient PGM-free catalysts is of utmost importance for Europe to reach its decarbonization objectives; SpinCat addresses this need by realizing a new class of magnetic earth-abundant catalysts that, through spin polarization, will boost catalytic activity towards OER by a factor of three as compared to state-of-the-art catalysts. Further enhancements to catalytic activity will be obtained through the use of external magnetic field during catalysis.
In this project we will design and prepare catalyst materials featuring optimal spin polarization effects, gain fundamental knowledge on the parameters affecting the OER activity of magnetic materials, and develop a general theoretical model for the overall description of the influence of the electron spin in electrocatalysis. The technology will be demonstrated in a magnetically enhanced anion-exchange membrane (AEM) electrolyzer prototype, which merges the benefits of both internal and external magnetic effects.
Consortium Partners: Laboratorio Iberico Internacional De Nanotecnologia (INL), MAGNETOCAT SL, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, FRAUNHOFER ISE